Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)

Are you afraid of going to the dentist? You no longer have to be! Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is a safe, effective agent that works well for children and adults. Better yet, laughing gas is totally reversible minutes after the completion of your treatment, allowing you to drive yourself home or to return to school or work immediately following your appointment. Nitrous Oxide, or laughing gas, helps you relax throughout your dental procedure, making it a much more comfortable experience. In addition to decreasing anxiety, laughing gas also works well for patients with a strong gag reflex.

Sedation Dentistry

If you are anxious about visiting the dentist, you don’t need to continue missing out on having a healthy, beautiful smile. Dr. Stromboe offers sedation dentistry as a solution, giving you an opportunity to experience incredible, focused care without worrying. With oral sedation, Dr. Stromboe will prescribe a sedative in pill form that you will take prior to your appointment. An oral sedative has light-to-moderate effects, and leaves you feeling very relaxed but still able to respond to Dr. Stromboe during your procedure. The effects usually linger for a while after your treatment, so you will need to arrange a ride home following the procedure.

I.V. Sedation Dentistry

For certain procedures, Dr. Stromboe can utilize an IV to administer sedative agents. I.V. sedation is stronger than oral sedation, and you will feel its effects almost immediately. Dr. Stromboe can easily control the administration of the sedative, and often, you will sleep during your treatment. When you awaken, your treatment will be complete, and you will feel comfortable and relaxed. With sedation dentistry, there is simply no need to avoid the dental treatment you need and deserve.

Patient Talk

“I have a life-long fear and avoidance of dentists – this office has helped me overcome this and complete all the necessary dental procedures – and return for cleanings.”